Fwd (DW) Swivel, Pt, Fwd (DC) Swivel, Pt ;; (12,3 12, 3)
Scissors to DW, (Aerial LF) ;; (12,3 12, 3) (possible DRW)
Rec (CP), Oversway (line) ;; (123, 123)
Tch {cross hands}(lady turn R on RF to face) ; (12, 3)
Fwd 2 (lady bk 2 to bjo), (Aerial LF) ;; (12,3 12, 3)
Bk 3 (lady spiral in 4 to bjo), (Aerial LF) ;;; (12,3, 123, 12,3)
(lady bk 2 turning to line) ; (12, 3)
*Side to line, Bk to DC, (Aerial LF) ;; (123, 12,3)
(DRW), Side Turn, Close (DC) ;; (123, 12,3)
*Fwd Swivel, Tch (DW) ; (123)
Fwd 3 (DW), Tch (swivel to DC) ;; (12,3 12, 3)
Fwd 3 (DC), Aerial ;; (12,3 12,3)
Bk Turn to DW, Side, Fwd (wall), Aerial ;; (12,3 12, 3)
Bk Turn to DC, Heel turn , Fwd (DC), Aerial ;; (12,3 12, 3)
Bk, Side, Point Fwd, Pt Side (arms) ;;;; (123, 123, 123, 123)
Fwd (DW), Bk, Tch (lady turn L2, Fwd, tch to bfly) ;; (12,3 12, 3)
is correct according to Kenje and Floor.
the script and LATown do:
*Fwd (lady bk & turn), Side to centre, Bk, Aerial ;;; (123, 123, 12,3)
Sd Turn, Cl (DC), Fwd Swivel, Tch (DW) ;;; (123, 12,3, 123)
from the beginning