Loose CP BJO Facing LOD


Fwd, Face to wall, Tch ;; 123, 12,3

Side, Back S/car, Swing ;; 123, 12,3

Face to wall, Tch, Side (rev) ;; 12,3, 123

Back Bjo, Face to wall, Tch to bfly ;; 123, 12,3


Side, Close, Fwd, Swing ;; 12,3, 1,2 3

Side (rev), Close, Fwd, Swing (face Wall) ;; 12, 3, 1,23


Fwd, Tch, Back, Tch to CP ;; 12, 3, 12, 3

Viennese ½, Back, Tch (centre) ;; 1 2 3, 12, 3

Fwd, Tch, Back, Tch ;; 12, 3, 12, 3

Viennese ½, Back, Tch (semi line) ;; 1 2 3, 12, 3

Fwd 2, Pt Fwd (ronde), Curtsy ;;;; 123, 123, 123, 123


Run 3, Swing ;; 12,3, 1,23

Back 3 (lady underarm turn) ;; 12, 3, 12, 3


Viennese Turns, twice ;;;; 123, 123, 123, 123


* This version is direct from actual script.  It is compatible with Utube version but is slightly different to Kenje version which is probably done on the floor.


* Script is ambivalent on hand holds.  This summary is adopted from U Tube demo.


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